Plant based Munchies

A journey towards whole food, plant based, healthy eating….

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Chocolate self-saucing pudding

Chocolate self saucing pudding

Yesterday was mothers day. And in honour of my own mother’s awesome desserts and the fact that it was Mothers Day so I decided I “deserve” whatever i felt like ๐Ÿ™‚ I made chocolate self saucing puddings. It suits the cold wintery weather and the huge weekend we had had – warm, decadent comfort food!

As you know, I really really ‘hate’ย ordinary food photography so I find myself once again apologising for the photo. It was late when we ate and we were all keen to get into it, so I took a quick snap on the dining table before digging in. Hopefully you get the gist – and next time I’ll have to try again with better lighting and effort!

My goodness, these were amazingly rich and decadent and delicious! And Mr 5 and I who made them up were surprised that they work so well. Mr 7 moaned and groaned in heaven for a while and then said “Did you make these up? You need to blog them!”.

Gluten free, totally plant based and sugar free. They just shouldn’t taste this good.

The little hole in the top is because I put a square of dark chocolate in the middle of them before baking (that bit is not sugar free) so it made an indentation in the top. You can take or leave that idea. They would look more impressive without it but it was a good surprise for the kids.



1 cup buckwheat flour

1/2 cup tapioca flour

1/3 cup cacao

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp bicarb soda

3/4 cup non dairy milk + 1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup brown rice syrup or agave

2 Tablespoons of grape seed or melted coconut oil

1 Tablespoon chia seeds soaked in 1/4 cup water

1 tsp vanilla extract



1 cup warm water

1/4 cup cacao

1/4 cup brown rice syrup or agave


Mix the dry ingredients and mix in wet ingredients. Divide into lightly greased ramekins. (Add in a piece of dark chocolate or raspberries into the centre now if you wish). Hold a spoon above the ramekins and poor sauce mixture onto spoon (So as not to cause a pooling in the middle- aka, the spoon will make the liquid spread out) until the sauce mixture is evenly spread across the ramekins.


Bake in 180 deg C oven for 30 minutes.
The kids served theirs with vanilla soy ice cream and Dave and I enjoyed a coconut milk-coffee ice cream with ours! Delicious – but we were each defeated! The left overs are in the fridge for todays enjoyment!!




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Rich chocolate pots


Rich chocolate pots

Rich chocolate pots

Is anyone in the mood for a chocolate hit? (Actually, is anyone ever not in the mood…?)

These are rich and decadent. And they will surely satisfy any chocolate craving.

* This mixture made enough for 12 chocolate pots in medium sized cup cake papers.

1 cup raw cashews/macadamias or almonds

1/2 cup hazelnuts

12 pitted medjool dates

1/3 cup cacao

1 T water

Process the nuts until ground in a meal, then add remaining ingredients. Press spoonfuls into little cup cake holders until each has an equal base.



1 pkt silken tofu (non GMO)

100g dark (dairy free) chocolate, melted

1/3 cup cacao

2 T rice syrup

1/2 tsp coffee essence


Blend the tofu briefly until a creamy consistency. Add the remaining ingredients and process into a mousse. Spoon the mousse into cups on top of the base evenly, and bake in a 180deg C oven for 20 minutes.

Refridgerate for at least 1 hour before serving. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

Rich chocolate pots

Rich chocolate pots

* This recipe uses coffee essence for a richer flavour. You can sub this for espresso or even just vanilla extract (which at least does not have additives etc). You could also use Franjelico if you do alcohol, which has a hazelnut flavour. The recipe will also make a larger tart if you would prefer this to 12 little ones. I made these for a picnic which worked beautifully to serve them out individually!


Chocolate hazelnut spread

Chocolate hazelnut spread

Chocolate hazelnut spread


Why oh why has it taken me so long to venture into a homemade healthy plant based nutella? There is no going back after making this. The main key (as I discovered) is NOT to burn the hazelnuts if you choose to toast them. Haha ๐Ÿ™‚ Rookie error.

This is delicious – as a dessert sauce on strawberries or a day time snack on banana slices or just straight out of the jar. I guess people spread nutella on bread, yes? I don’t really eat bread these days but if that’s your thing, then this recipe is for you too. The best bit is, rather than being made primarily from oil and sugar, this is made primarily from cacao and hazelnuts. Win!

2 cups hazelnuts

1/3 cup cacao

1/3 cup rice syrup

1/3 cup coconut cream

1 tsp vanilla extract

* This recipe is really here as a guide. I like mine quite textured (like crunchy peanut butter) but if you prefer it smooth and soft, grind the nuts for longer, and add a touch more coconut cream or non dairy milk to make it runnier).ย If you like more chocolatey spread, add more cacao. If you want it sweeter, add more rice syrup or try blending in some soaked dates (healthier, but will make it thicker).

Roast the hazelnuts for 5-10 minutes until fragrant at 200 deg C, then rub with a towel to remove the skins. Don’t worry, not ALL of the skins will come off but most of it will.

Blend in a food processor until a paste forms, then add remaining ingredients and process together.

This will keep well in the fridge but I doubt it will even last a week…good luck ๐Ÿ™‚


Green peppermint slice

Green peppermint slice

Green peppermint slice

This slice converted my 3yo to peppermint. Woohoo ๐Ÿ™‚ Not to mention it being the usual – gluten free, vegan, sugar free and absolutely yummy.ย I have another peppermint slice that I made up on this blog but I have to say, this one is much easier and very delicious.


2 cups walnuts

20 medjool dates, pitted (and soaked if not already soft)

1/4 cup cacao powder

1 heaped T coconut oil

pinch salt

Blend the walnuts in a food processor, then add remaining ingredients. Once blended, press into lined tin and pop in the freezer.

Peppermint layer

1 cup dessicated coconut

3/4 cup macadamias

1/4 cup coconut oil

3 T rice syrup or coconut palm sugar

handful of fresh mint leaves

1 tsp peppermint extract

drizzle natural green food colouring if desired

Process coconut and macadamias into a fine consistency before adding other ingredients. Process, then spread over chocolate base and return to the freezer.


1/4 cup cacao powder

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

1/4 cup rice syrup

1 tsp vanilla

Melt coconut oil and stir in remaining ingredients until smooth. Pour over peppermint layer and refrigerate until set. *Actually i put mine in the freezer and was able to cut the slice into squares after about 10 minutes. It does not take long!

Really, this is beautiful. I got a great idea from another site about whizzing up goji berries as a red festive splash and this is what is sprinkled on the top of the platter of slice pieces. Enjoy! And merry Christmas!


(And this is what it looks like with a festive sprinkle of chopped goji berries:)




Raw chocolate raspberry pots

Chocolate raspberry pots

Chocolate raspberry pots

Hello lovelies!

Sorry I have been MIA lately – and will continue to be for another couple of weeks. We are off on a camping adventure! So I’ve decided to release this most magnificent of magnificent recipes to keep your inspiration flowing ๐Ÿ˜‰

It has a macadamia base: macadamias are absolutely gorgeous and probably my favourite nut. I don’t know why I don’t use them more often….oh yes I do…they’re quite expensive!

Anyhow these “pots” are little treasures. Chocolate and raspberries are made to go together. Like…I can’t think of a single analogy? What goes together? Salt and pepper? Or are they opposites?

I better stick with recipes.

Try these. That’s all I have to say. They are gorgeous ๐Ÿ˜›

This recipe made 12 mini muffin tray ย size “pots” and 2 large muffin size ones. You could easily make 6 muffin sized pots. Or make one large one and slice it into wedges with a knife like a cheesecake.


1 cup raw unsalted macadamias

7 pitted medjool dates

1 dessertspoon raw cacao

1 tsp vanilla extract


1 cup rasberries

1 dessertspoon rice syrup


1/4 cup cacao

1/4 cup coconut cream (not the water, just the top creamy part)

1/4 cup rice syrup

6 pitted medjool dates

Blend the macadamias in a food processor until fine and add remaining base ingredients. It should be quite soft and fudgey. Spoon into mini muffin trays or your pot of choice and press down firmly. Place indentation in the base to allow the filling to sit in a crevasse. Refrigerate.

Blend the raspberries and rice syrup together and add a spoonful onto each base. Freeze (the ganache will cover the filling much more easily if cold/frozen)

Blend all ganache ingredients together to form a rich mousse consistency. Add to the top of your rasperry pots and refrigerate until ready to eat! You can also serve straight away if desired.

Absolutely heavenly. And quite rich! Beware!


Chocolate peppermint slice

Chocolate peppermint slice

Chocolate peppermint slice

I just adore these adaptable recipes! This is vegan, gluten free and pretty healthy in the scheme of things!

You could make this a raw slice by creating a base out of nuts/dates/cacao. Or use flour etc and bake it like I have. You could also make the middle out of a silken tofu base rather than coconut (although it will form a soft pie-like centre instead). I had a lot of trouble deciding on each layer but was happy with the result!
Had a 3 year old yapping at me for a taste so the photo was a bit rushed but it tastes good, I swear :). Hope you enjoy!
1.5 T chia seeds (chia meal if preferred)
1 T apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup ย rice syrup
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
Mix together.
1 cup ย nut meal (I used a combo of almonds and walnuts, processed in food processor)
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 T cacao
Mix ingredients together and press into lined baking tin. I used a 9 ” round.
Bake at 180 deg C for 15 minutes. Allow to cool.
1 cup shredded coconut
2 tsp coconut oil, melted
1 T agave nectar
1/4 cup coconut cream, chilled
1 tsp peppermint extract (but start small and add this to taste!)
Add the coconut, oil and nectar to the food processor and process away until it begins to smooth. This takes a long time so walk away and do something else rather than watch it! It will get there! Then add the coconut cream and peppermint and mix.
Press on top of the base and refrigerate whilst making the top layer.
2 T cacao
1/4 coconut oil
2 T agave (or rice syrup)
4 squares dark chocolate, melted
Melt the coconut oil and dark chocolate and stir in the cacao and agave. Pour over the peppermint layer and set in fridge.
* You can use all dark chocolate for this or leave it out completely and add more cacao and agave. I like the combination of both but either or all options will work well.
This recipe is a combination of so many things! Each has been adapted but the base is based on the Spunky Coconut, the centre is based on Fork and Beans

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Caramel pears with chocolate chunks

Baked caramel pears with chocolate chunks

Baked caramel pears with chocolate chunks

Mmmmm surely have your attention now don’t I!

We bought a delicious box of pears and in my thinking about how best I can use them, this was an inspiration on a ‘dessert night’ with myself and the little boys. It is so remarkably simple. Let me know if there is anyone at all who leaves any on their plate! ๐Ÿ˜‰

(Apologies for the dreadful photo. It’s very difficult to make a baked squishy wrinkly pear look good in night time light, no matter how great it tastes!)

Ingredients (for 2 people):

2 ripe pears, cored

4 medjool dates, soaked for 10 minutes in boiling water

2 tsp almond spread (I use 100% almonds so feel free to just blend almonds until paste-like)

2 little squares of dark chocolate (Dairy free)

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

Core the pears, and put half a piece of dark chocolate as a wedge in the bottom.

Blend/process/bamix the dates and almond spread until a smooth paste forms (caramel). Fill the cored pear with caramel, and add remaining half of a piece of chocolate in the top of the pear. Repeat with the second pear.

Cover pears in alfoil and bake for 25 minutes.



Nutty choc-ana smoothie

Nutty choc-ana smoothie

Nutty choc-ana smoothie

I was in a mood. Thus, lacking in energy, enthusiasm and any interest in breakfast (or, in fact, the day ahead) I decided to try a mood-fixer that is something along the lines of comfort and a ‘naughty’ treat in a bowl. That will help. Yes!

Lucky for me there really isn’t anything naughty about this. And it only took a few minutes – AND it fixed my conundrum! (Love that word).

Here it is.

1 handful of hazelnuts

2 bananas

1 dessert spoon raw cacao

1 dessert spoon protein powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup ice

1 cup rice milk (or non dairy milk)

Whizz the hazelnuts in the blender. When fine, add 2 bananas and cacao to form a puree. Add remaining ingredients and blend.

Happiness in a glass for a grumpy, tired morning! ๐Ÿ™‚


Chocolate caramel slice

Raw caramel slice

Raw caramel slice

This divine recipe comes from Triumph of the Lentils. What a top recipe. It is a raw, gluten free, dairy and egg free recipe – oh yes, and refined sugar free also. And it tastes absolutely earth shatteringly awesome.ย (Having said that, I used melted chocolate on the top of mine because I had left over dark chocolate, and no more coconut oil! So technically mine is not raw. Either way – awesome recipe). The ONLY problem with this slice is HOW to stop eating it?

Lucky for us we have a 5 kilo box of medjool dates in our fridge so we can keep on making it ๐Ÿ™‚

Caramel slice takes me back to all those church suppers and tennis club afternoon teas and school picnics. These days, my kids aren’t able to eat any of that stuff (or not recommended, at least) so it’s great to know I can contribute to those spreads in a healthy way and my kids can fit in – sneakily! Nuts are a defining factor though. If it needs to be nut free, we’d need to find other sneaky ways as well.


For the base:
1 1/2 cups almonds, walnuts or pecans (I used almonds)
a pinch of salt
4 medjool dates, pitted
1/3 cup coconut oil, liquid

For the caramel filling:
18 medjool dates, pitted
2-3 pinches of salt
1/4 cup coconut oil, liquid
1/4 cup nut butter (hazelnut, almond, cashew or brazil nut) (I used macadamia butter)

For the chocolate topping:ย (I actually just melted dark Green and Blacks chocolate that I had left over in the cupboard)
1/4 cup coconut oil, liquid
a pinch of salt
2-3 tablespoons raw agave syrup
1/2 cup cacao or cocoa powder


To make the base, process the almonds and salt in a food processor until crumbly, but not too fine (some will resemble almond meal, and some will be more like the nut pieces that go into pesto).ย  Add the dates and process until no large pieces remain.ย  Process through the coconut oil until evenly mixed in.ย  Press the mixture into a greased or lined 20cm (8โ€) square or round baking tray.


To make the caramel layer, process the dates and salt in a food processor until it is finely ground and forms a ball.ย  Add the coconut oil and nut butter and continue to process until thoroughly mixed through (you may need to stop the processor and break up the ball with a fork a couple of times).ย  Press this mixture into an even layer on top of the base.


Prepare the chocolate topping by combining the coconut oil, salt and agave in a bowl.ย  Stir through the cacao and mix until evenly combined, adding more agave if you like.ย  Spread this on top of the caramel layer (you may need to use your hands to spread it) and allow to set at room temperature for at least half an hour before slicing, or until the chocolate topping has set.

IMG_1566ย  ย IMG_1567

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Hazelnut pancakes with banana

Hazelnut pancakes with banana, gluten free and vegan

Hazelnut pancakes with banana, gluten free and vegan

I’ve been working on gluten free vegan pancakes and have finally found a mix that I’m happy with!

1/2 cup millet flour ย  (EDIT: I have since made these without the millet, but with 1/4 tapioca starch instead. Beautiful!)

1/2 cup brown rice flour

1/2 cup ground hazelnuts

1 T raw cacao powder

1 tsp baking powder

1 T nut butter (any)

1 cup almond milk

1 banana

Mix the dry ingredients well. Add in the wet ingredients and mix. Taste the batter because you may prefer extra cacao or extra sweetening. After the pancakes cooked I added sliced banana in between and ate them like pancake banana sandwiches.

Hazelnut pancakes with banana, gluten free and vegan

Hazelnut pancakes with banana, gluten free and vegan

It was delicious! I think the banana is fresh and sweet and just perfect with hazelnut pancakes. I was totally happy with the mix but if you are not using banana, you may want extra sweetness in the batter mix. Thanks to Soul shine Vegan for the idea!

Enjoy! What a breakfast!


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Chocolate peanut butter pops

Chocolate peanut butter pops


Today I wanted to do a little treat for the boys. We don’t give them rice bubbles for breakfasts because we like to make breakfasts sugar-free but I have a huge box of them in the cupboard left over from a birthday party snack. That, and the failure of homemade peanut butter that the kids won’t eat!

These are awesome little balls for a treat:


1 cup rice bubbles (I think you could use amaranth or corn puffs etc that are sugar free, on reflection too)

1/2 cup of oats

1/2 cup ground peanuts (whizzed in a food processor until paste like)

1/4 cup rice syrup

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 T raw cacao



The best thing about these is how child friendly it is to make. No heating, no ovens, nothing tricky about them. I have been missing cooking with the kids since we went all healthy ๐Ÿ™‚ . This has made me realise I need to be creative in the ways we do food and still involve them even though we’re not doing buttery sugary cooking anymore!


*naww* how cute is he! Mix mix mix, then roll them up into balls and pop them in the fridge for a sweet, nutty, crunchy treat! Bet they won’t last a day ๐Ÿ™‚




Homemade gourmet Easter chocolates

Homemade gourmet easter chocolates

Easter can be crazy expensive. This year I decided that to achieve Fair trade, dairy free, gourmet easter eggs that had no crazy additives or colours, it was up to me to do it.


What do you need?

2 blocks of fair trade dark (dairy free) chocolate. I use ย Green and Blacks.

Some easter chocolate moulds (quite inexpensive plastic trays from any kitchenware place)

Your choice of fillings: I used peanut butter fudge and raspberry chia jam.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler (or like me, place a metal bowl on top of a saucepan with a little boiling water and stir chocolate until it is melted). The process is done in three parts:


1. Place a spoonful of melted chocolate into each mould and make sure it has reached all sides (for this you might need a tiny paintbrush or skewer to push it to the edges. Place in freezer for 2 minutes.

IMG_1413ย  ย IMG_1406

2. Once the chocolate has cooled, place your filling on top. Try to make sure it doesn’t touch the edges because you want the next layer to seal the filling in. If your filling needs to set, place it in the freezer for 2 minutes, otherwise proceed with step 3.


3. Drizzle remaining melted chocolate over the top of the filling to seal it in. It can help to gently tap the mould tray on the bench to help the chocolate settle to a flat and even level.

Place in the fridge until set!

Homemade gourmet raspberry easter chocolates

Homemade gourmet raspberry easter chocolates

I am going to keep these in the freezer and try not to eat them before Easter ๐Ÿ™‚ They are totally divine and totally ethical! The only pity is that I’m not supporting the Fair trade easter egg industry this year (which I fully support). However, this entire tub of chocolates cost only $6 in chocolate (1.5 Green and Blacks blocks). Amazing.
