Plant based Munchies

A journey towards whole food, plant based, healthy eating….


Zucchini, corn and rice patties


Zucchini, corn and rice patties

Zucchini, corn and rice patties


I have not been posting regularly because I keep taking food photos with my iPhone and the end up looking like the above! It’s not exactly what I would like to be presenting on this blog…however, today the desire to get back into sharing recipes took over my concerns around photo presentation. Sometimes I find we are in such a hurry to EAT that I don’t take proper time to photograph. But that’s life, isn’t it!


I really, really enjoy these rice balls (or “patties”). The variations are , of course, endless. But I’ll share with you what I did, and you can work from there.



2 cups cooked brown rice

1/2 cup corn kernels

1 zucchini, grated

1 leek, finely diced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 T tapioca flour (or besan) to bind

1/2 tsp spices and herbs – I used thyme, onion powder and sweet paprika.

Salt and pepper for seasoning


Saute the leek, adding in the garlic and vegetables until soft. Stir in cooked brown rice, spices and flour to bind.

You may find use in adding 1/2 -1 Tblspn of water to assist with binding, however, I found that the zucchini provided enough moisture. You can play around with how much flour/water ratio you need to bind yours effectively.

Squeeze into balls of your desired choice and fry them on a reasonably hot heat until brown.


These are lovely just simply served with a fresh green salad xx



Walnut bolognese

walnut bolognese

walnut bolognese


Wow, this recipe is so extraordinarily exciting. I’m so in love that I can barely stop eating this sauce long enough to serve it! And I have reused it in a variety of ways. It’s gorgeeeouuusssss ❤



1 brown onion, finely diced

5 mushrooms, finely diced

1 cup walnuts, loosely processed in food processor into a rough crumb consistency

1 400gm tin crushed tomatoes or a 400g jar passata

1 Tblspn balsamic vinegar

2 garlic cloves

1/4 tsp italian herbs

1/4 tsp onion or garlic powder

pinch chilli flakes

pinch smoked paprika

salt and pepper


Saute the onion, adding in mushrooms and garlic. Saute until reduced in size and browning. Add in remaining ingredients and simmer gently for 5-10 minutes.