Plant based Munchies

A journey towards whole food, plant based, healthy eating….

Chocolate self-saucing pudding

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Chocolate self saucing pudding

Yesterday was mothers day. And in honour of my own mother’s awesome desserts and the fact that it was Mothers Day so I decided I “deserve” whatever i felt like 🙂 I made chocolate self saucing puddings. It suits the cold wintery weather and the huge weekend we had had – warm, decadent comfort food!

As you know, I really really ‘hate’ ordinary food photography so I find myself once again apologising for the photo. It was late when we ate and we were all keen to get into it, so I took a quick snap on the dining table before digging in. Hopefully you get the gist – and next time I’ll have to try again with better lighting and effort!

My goodness, these were amazingly rich and decadent and delicious! And Mr 5 and I who made them up were surprised that they work so well. Mr 7 moaned and groaned in heaven for a while and then said “Did you make these up? You need to blog them!”.

Gluten free, totally plant based and sugar free. They just shouldn’t taste this good.

The little hole in the top is because I put a square of dark chocolate in the middle of them before baking (that bit is not sugar free) so it made an indentation in the top. You can take or leave that idea. They would look more impressive without it but it was a good surprise for the kids.



1 cup buckwheat flour

1/2 cup tapioca flour

1/3 cup cacao

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp bicarb soda

3/4 cup non dairy milk + 1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup brown rice syrup or agave

2 Tablespoons of grape seed or melted coconut oil

1 Tablespoon chia seeds soaked in 1/4 cup water

1 tsp vanilla extract



1 cup warm water

1/4 cup cacao

1/4 cup brown rice syrup or agave


Mix the dry ingredients and mix in wet ingredients. Divide into lightly greased ramekins. (Add in a piece of dark chocolate or raspberries into the centre now if you wish). Hold a spoon above the ramekins and poor sauce mixture onto spoon (So as not to cause a pooling in the middle- aka, the spoon will make the liquid spread out) until the sauce mixture is evenly spread across the ramekins.


Bake in 180 deg C oven for 30 minutes.
The kids served theirs with vanilla soy ice cream and Dave and I enjoyed a coconut milk-coffee ice cream with ours! Delicious – but we were each defeated! The left overs are in the fridge for todays enjoyment!!




Author: Rah

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