Plant based Munchies

A journey towards whole food, plant based, healthy eating….

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Mushroom & walnut San Choi Bow

San choi bow

Wow where have the months been going? Time seems to be passing so quickly at the moment (that, and I am currently working full time! :/) – and I do apologise for not blogging more regularly!

I have posted a recipe for San Choi Bow in the past but it was a lentil one and nowhere near as good I might say. I really think this recipe is perfect. It has the perfect balance of softness and crunch. It is rich and delicious with the fresh outer iceberg lettuce. I hope you enjoy it!


1 cup finely diced walnuts

1 cup finely diced mushrooms

1 cup finely diced water chestnuts

1 iceberg lettuce

2 cups cooked quinoa (or rice, optional)

Sauce ingredients:

2 cloves garlic

1/4 cup almond butter

1/4 cup tamari sauce

1 Tblspn brown rice syrup

dash chilli flakes

dash onion powder

dash smoked paprika


Saute mushrooms and after a few minutes, add in walnuts and water chestnuts. Blend all sauce ingredients together and stir through mushroom mix and allow to cook further for a few minutes.

Serve in fresh iceberg lettuce cups (the outer leaves are best) with quinoa or rice.
