Plant based Munchies

A journey towards whole food, plant based, healthy eating….

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Savoury vege pancake

Savoury Vege pancake

Savoury Vege pancake

Kudos to my lovely friend Kirsty who introduced me to lunch at LOVE ON in Adelaide recently. I perused the menu and saw not much by way of vegan gluten-free eating, but was delighted to find savoury pancakes on the specials board. I had no idea what this was but the cook is Indian, the pancakes are gluten free and vegan and all up, whatever it is in those bounds is great by me!

It turned out to be such awesomeness that I had to give it a go myself.



1/2 carrot, peeled and grated

1/2 brown onion, finely diced

1/2 zucchini, grated

2 small spring onions, finely diced

1/2 cup besan (chick pea) flour

1/2 cup water

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp tumeric (gives yellow colour, but optional)

1/2 tsp garam masala (also optional)

1/4 tsp garlic powder

sprinkle paprika

salt and pepper


Whisk batter of began flour and water, adding in all other ingredients and mix.

Heat a non stick pan, give a splash or spray of oil, and when medium-hot, ladle a spoonful into the middle of the pan, and using the base of the ladle, spread the mix in a circular motion from the inside to the outer (thus, creating a thin spread of pancake in a large circle).

When browned, flip over and brown the other side. Serve topped with any fresh salad and hummus.


This has become a quick, delicious staple for us.


Spicy black beans in a chickpea wrap

Spicy black beans in a chick pea wrap

Spicy black beans in a chick pea wrap

Could this get any easier?

I’ve known I like black beans but cannot seem to find them in any supermarkets around here. I know there are dried ones in the Central Markets but to be honest, I don’t think that far ahead to soak them the night before…that, and I haven’t been to the Central Markets in almost a year!

Anyhoww…. I struck gold recently with a little health food/lolly shop of sorts (don’t ask me how those two things go together?) in Brighton which sells tinned black beans. Yay!

Basically, make the Frijole Refritos recipe but do it with black beans. And chilli! AWESOME. LOVE black beans.

Frijoles refritos black beans

Frijoles refritos black beans

Now, onto the wrap. We have dug ourselves in a kind of hole lately. Gluten free is one thing. I really dislike gluten free wraps. They are made from useless things and they taste horrible. So we’ve been erring on the corn side of life. The trouble with corn is that unless it’s organic, it’s going to likely give us cancer or as the rats discovered, they were made infertile within two generations :(. I don’t want to leave that legacy with my kids so we eat organic where possible and where can you find corn tortillas that are organic and not filled with the likes of maize and fillers?


So I’m pretty excited to say the least that this TWO MINUTE recipe for chick pea based wraps actually works. And it actually wraps. Unfortunately I filled mine so full that I couldn’t wrap it all the way around but hey, it still held it all together and didn’t fall to pieces! That’s a serious win!

Recipe you ask?

1 cup besan flour (that’s chick pea flour)

1 cup water

And that’s it. Now. I added 1 tsp onion powder, 1 T nutritional yeast, 1/2 tsp garam masala and a shake of salt. But that’s up to you. It’s SO EASY.

Whisk the batter and then spray a hot pan and drop 1/2 cup full and spread it around into a thin layer. Leave it for 30 seconds, then flip over and let it brown on the other side.


Black beans in chick pea wrap

Black beans in chick pea wrap

So insanely easy.

I topped the wrap with black beans in a Frijoles Refritos style, added guacamole, yellow capsicum, lettuce, spanish onion, tomato, grated carrot and fresh coriander.

Life is good!